5 years ago, a dear friend unexpectedly passed away. Once his crew recovered from our initial shock, we decided to establish the Richard Yamarone Memorial Scholarship in Economics at Brooklyn College.* The driving force behind the scholarship was TBP Invictus.
Art Cashin shared a reminder today:
“Many of us were deeply saddened (5 yearsa go today) to learn of the sudden passing of Rich Yamarone at age 55 of complications of a cardiac event.
Rich was a key economist at Bloomberg and years ago served as chief economist as Argus Research. Not only was he a brilliant and articulate economist but a witty and talented man.
He was a key feature at Camp Kotok, the celebrated annual meeting of economists and journalists in Maine. He would charmingly debate economic issues into the evening and then reach for his guitar and entertain the crowd with his rich baritone voice.
His resume looked like it was written by a novelist. Economist, raconteur, guitarist, vocalist, opera singer, a ranked athlete, gourmet chef and accomplished pilot.
But, with all that Rich was humble and said he hoped that people saw him as just a kid from Staten Island that they would like to have a beer with. In my case, it was several glasses of Dewars.
In review, I am reminded of the point in Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar where, upon the death of Brutus, Mark Antony says, “His life was gentle and the elements so mixed in him that nature might stand up and say to all the world “This was a man!”
So was it with Richard. Ave Atque vale (Hail and Farewell)
Lots of the Yammy scholars have shared their experiences. This one is typical:
If you want to make a donation, please use this link: Yammy CUNY Brooklyn Fund. *Memorial Gift needs to be toggled with Richard A. Yamarone as “in memory of.”
RIP: Rich Yamarone (November 29, 2017)
Richard Yamarone Memorial Scholarship in Economics at Brooklyn College (April 17, 2018)