Historical past tells us commodities are extraordinarily undervalued proper now!
Equities / Commodities – 1970-2018 https://sprott.com/insights/gold-is-rarely-this-cheap/
The place we’re proper now – https://www.tradingview.com/x/8OWlsplx/
From the Sprott hyperlink, 2018:
“This story has been gaining important traction recently: Commodities, relative to equities, are at their most undervalued in a long time. Making the rounds are variations of this chart depicting the ratio of the S&P GSCI Complete Return Index (SPGSCITR),1 a basket of commodities, to the S&P 500 Index (SPX).2 It paints a compelling image of the place commodity costs are in relation to U.S. equities. The long-term median of this ratio is 4.1. The ratio in the present day hovers close to 1.0.
This will likely translate into a major funding alternative in commodities given reversion to the imply.“
(I added this paragraph so my put up would not be flagged as low effort)