Friday, April 14, 2023 | 2 a.m.
Careful readers of Hillary Davis’ April 2 story, “Why this rural community wants to break away from the Clark County School District,” about the desire of some Moapa residents, should note a land mine buried in the text.
Describing the nature of Assembly Bill 420, which would authorize the Legislature to launch and fund a new school district in the Moapa region, Davis writes: “Bill language also opens the door for the Clark County Commission to establish, by ordinance, additional regional districts.”
This bill would give a green light to the long-sought breakup of the entire school district, not just a separate district in Moapa. It would allow the county board to create and fund school districts in Henderson and North Las Vegas, and splinter Las Vegas into other districts such as in Summerlin.
While Davis’ story does a good job describing some of the educational needs of families in Moapa, it should remind us of the lengths some in Carson City and elsewhere will go to break up CCSD into “separate but equal” districts. Citizens should oppose AB420.