To the editor: I was aghast at seeing the overblown racist screed played on Fox Sports 1 during the the playoff games between the Dodgers and the San Diego Padres.
I realize that running ads is part of the business, but who is in charge of what ads to accept? The TV station? Certainly. But the Dodgers organization should comment on where it stands on that ad.
This was not a legitimate “political” ad. It is the sort of ad that is clearly designed to foster hate (hear the tone; see the images). To let this go by without comment is a dangerous dereliction of responsibility.
Frank Gaspar, Long Beach
To the editor: How can Major League Baseball allow Fox Sports 1 to air the racist anti-immigrant ad?
About one-third of all MLB players are Latino, and many are immigrants themselves or the children of immigrants. I’m totally appalled and ashamed of MLB and Fox.
Steve Papazian, Toluca Lake