TRAI on Fake Messages: Telecom regulator TRAI (Telecom Regulatory Authority of India) has been working for a long time to stop fake messages and calls. But still, many people fall prey to fraud through these messages and frauds. TRAI is now taking another stringent measure to stop frauds as it has instructed companies to start a mechanism within 2 months to stop fake messages.
The regulator said in a statement that in the first phase, only customers will be able to register their consent to receive promotional calls and SMS.
Later on, commercial entities will be able to contact customers to obtain their consent for the advertising message.
Companies need to prepare framework for cosumer consent
TRAI has given a time of 2 months to all the companies to prepare a framework for taking cosumer consent.
All banks, insurance, trading, business, real estate, etc., companies will have to follow this instruction.
With digital consent acquisition of cosumers, it will be easy to agree, refuse and start again for the message.
All companies have been asked to take consumer consent by sending a message to a number starting with 123XXX.
The message will also have a call back number.
There is a plan that in the future, messages will be banned through SMS/IVR/online facility.
This plan is intended to be implemented in a phased manner.
“TRAI has now directed all technology providers to create a unified platform and develop Digital Consent Acquisition (DCA) facility for the process of taking customer consent across all service providers and key entities,” the regulator said. At present, there is no unified mechanism for obtaining consent from customers for sending promotional messages.
Rules about spam calls and messages
TRAI issued regulations under the UCC Telecom Commercial Communication Customer Preference Regulation (TCCCPR), 2018, on July 19, 2018, to rein in UCC.
These rules came into force on February 28, 2019.
These are being followed with the support of all Telecom Service Providers (TSPs).
According to TRAI, customers can block all kinds of commercial communication (calls and SMS).
Apart from this, if you want, you can choose to block one or more categories from banking, financial products, insurance, credit cards, real estate, education, health, consumer goods and automobile, communication, broadcasting, entertainment, IT and tourism.