“Let’s be clear: This ruling will only fuel the epidemic of gun violence in this country. It is a shameful and outrageous decision which will lead to more deaths and more violence. The conservative-packed Supreme Court, in concert with Republicans in Congress, is ensuring our schools, our grocery stores, and our churches will continue to be targets of violence and not the sanctuaries and safe places they should be.
“It is hard to imagine a Supreme Court that is more out of touch with the people of this nation than this court. Commonsense policies to reduce gun violence are supported by 9 out of 10 Americans. This court has once again shown its true colors. It is now nothing more than the political arm of the most extreme elements of the Republican Party.
“Donald Trump and Mitch McConnell stole seats and packed this court to enact what voters have repeatedly rejected at the ballot box. It is far past time we expand the court, reform it, and restore balance to our judicial system.”
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