Ram Navami 2023: Ram Navami, also marks as the birth of Lord Rama, is being observed on Thursday, March 30, this year. The auspicious festival of Ram Navami coincides with the last day of Chaitra Navratri. Chaitra Navratri is an auspicious nine-day festival starting next week.
According to Hindu mythology, Lord Rama was born on Navami Tithi during Shukla Paksha of Chaitra month. And hence, this day is celebrated as the birthday of Lord Rama each year.
It is believed that Lord Rama was born during the Madhyahna period which is the middle of the Hindu day. Madhyahna which prevails for six Ghatis (about 2 hours and 24 minutes) is the most auspicious time to perform Ram Navami Puja rituals, according to Drik Panchang.
Here are the auspicious dates and timings for Ram Navami this year:
Ram Navami 2023: Date and Time
This year, the festival of Ram Navmi will be celebrated on Thursday, March 30, 2023. The Ram Navami madhyahna muhurat will begin at 11:11 AM and end at 01:40 PM.
Ram Navami Date: March 30 (Thursday)
Ram Navami Madhyahna Muhurat: 11:11 AM to 01:40 PM
Ram Navami 2023: Subh Muharat
Ram Navami Madhyahna Moment – 12:26 PM
Navami Tithi Begins – 09:07 PM on March 29
Navami Tithi Ends – 11:30 PM on March 30
Ram Navami 2023: Birthplace of Lord Rama
Ayodhya is the birthplace of Lord Rama and Ram Navami celebrations in Ayodhya are remarkable. Devotees come to Ayodhya from far-flung places. After taking a holy dip into the river Sarayu Devotees visit the Rama temple to participate in birthday celebrations.
Ram Navami 2023: Puja Vidhi
On this special day dedicated to Lord Rama, devotees must wake up early and take bath. After that he/she has to clean the home and the puja room. Place an idol or frame of Lord Ram in the puja room and prepare prasad to offer the god. Now, decorate the aarti thal with akshat, chandan, and incense sticks. Read Ramayana or other holy scriptures and perform aarti during the muhurat.