Urea Gold: Prime Minister Narendra Modi made a slew of farmer-centric announcements in Rajasthan’s Sikar on Thursday. PM Modi dedicated 1.25 lakh PM Kisan Samriddhi Kendras (PMKSK) — which are one-stop centres for farmers that will provide information on agri-inputs such as fertilisers, seeds, and implements to testing facilities for soil, seeds, and fertilisers, and information regarding various government schemes. He released the 14th installment amount under the Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi (PM-KISAN) through direct benefits transfer and also launched Urea Gold.
What is Urea Gold?
Urea Gold is a new variety of Urea fertiliser that is coated with sulphur. As per the government statement, urea gold comes with these benefits —
1) The use of urea gold instead of conventional urea fertiliser will address sulphur deficiencies in the soil.
2) Urea Gold fertiliser is more economical and efficient than neem-coated urea.
3) It improves efficiency of nitrogen use in plants.
4) Urea gold reduces the consumption of fertiliser, and enhances crop quality.
5) It will save input costs for the farmers and also raise incomes for farmers with enhanced production and productivity.
PM Modi in Sikar: Prime Minister makes pro-farmer announcements
Talking about pro-farmer decisions taken by the government, Prime Minister Modi said, “Our government will not allow farmers to suffer due to the price of urea,” and added that while farmers in India get a sack of urea for Rs 266, it is available for about Rs 800 in Pakistan, for Rs 720 in Bangladesh and Rs 2,100 in China.
During the programme, the prime minister also onboarded 1,500 Farmer Producer Organisations (FPOs) on Open Network for Digital Commerce (ONDC).
The ONDC network will empower FPOs with direct access to digital marketing, online payment, Business-to-business (B2B) and Business-to-consumer transactions, and encourages local value addition, the official statement said.