The Issue: Mayor Adams’ claim that migrants cannot be housed at Gracie Mansion due to “legal issues.”
So, Mayor Adams’ plan to house illegal immigrants at Gracie Mansion fell apart (“No roomies for Adams after all,” June 16). No surprise there.
Adams brushes off this latest fiasco by saying: “Good generals lead from the front.”
Well, good generals achieve victories, a result that seems to elude Adams at every turn.
In the words of a true general, George S. Patton Jr.: “Wars are not won by fighting battles; wars are won by choosing battles.”
Adams consistently chooses the wrong battles and achieves little, while expending huge resources — not the mark of a competent general. Results, not words, matter.
J. Mancuso
Naples, Fla.
Does the boss of the Adams family really expect us to believe that he would allow an “asylum family” to reside in Gracie Mansion (which belongs to the taxpayers)?
Would they have had to pass through metal detectors, as our high-school students do? How about a background check and a drug test? Adams would need an entire precinct to protect him.
Jim Callaghan
Staten Island
Seriously? One or two families in Gracie Mansion would make a great “Saturday Night Live” skit for TV.
The day when the number of illegal immigrants surpasses the number of legal citizens in New York City seems to be arriving.
How long can the government, at all levels, sustain these enormous intrusions? More important, what is to become of these millions of people?
On the other hand, I imagine that certain fields of employment, such as agriculture, are enthusiastic about the continuing arrivals.
Samuel Frazer
Fort Myers, Fla.
It was very nice of Mayor Adams to offer Gracie Manson as a solution to house illegal migrants.
Instead of offering the “people’s house” at taxpayers expense, he should offer up one of his personal properties as a show of real leadership.
But as they say, talk is cheap.
Daniel Karas
The Issue: A California student’s criticism of Israel during her commencement speech.
Another antisemitic rant against the Jewish people by a graduating student, Jana Abulaban, this one from El Camino College in California (“Anti-Israel rant at Calif. college, too,” June 15).
Fatima Mousa Mohammed, who graduated from CUNY law school, also recently made her derogatory remarks toward the Jewish people.
I wonder if this will be the new normal now, where students who graduate from college make statements like this.
What’s even more disturbing is that the people in attendance applauded.
This is totally unacceptable in our society today. We do not need any more hate, especially in commencement speeches.
Rob Johann
At many graduations in the United States, graduates are subjected to hate-filled, antisemitic and anti-Israel commencement speeches.
They get away with it with barely a reprimand from the administration of these institutions.
Jews and Israel have always been an easy target, and it seems that a lot of haters are taking target practice.
J.J. Levine
Miami Beach, Fla.
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