The Issue: The indictment of Daniel Penny for placing Jordan Neely in a restraining hold that killed him.
If I were Daniel Penny’s lawyer, I would call other people who have experienced attacks on the subways, especially people who received no help from others (“Indicted,” June 15).
If possible, I’d show the attack on the lady who was knocked down and then kicked repeatedly. A man was coming to help, but once the attacker turned to face him, the good Samaritan ran away and the thug went back and continued kicking that poor lady. She lost one of her eyes.
I’m pretty sure she would have wanted a Penny to come to her aid.
Bruce Collins
Middletown, NJ
The common feature between the stories “Penny ‘Manslaughter’ ” and “Train knife-slay vic punched gal” (June 15) is the overall failure to provide protection for the citizens of New York City.
Clearly, these incidents represent citizens trying to fend for themselves, as crime and homelessness are up and policing in New York City has taken a downturn.
It is disturbingly reminiscent of the 1970s. More of this is on the horizon unless we address the root issues.
Ronald G. Frank
West Orange, NJ
They say elections have consequences. They sure do, especially in New York.
The consequence in this case is the indictment of Penny after his brave act of potentially saving the lives of (or preventing harm to) those subway riders with him on the fateful day.

If the voters of New York had elected Rep. Lee Zeldin, the GOP candidate, over Gov. Hochul, radical Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg would have been kicked out of office by now, and the Marine would be hailed as a hero.
Instead, they voted for incompetence again, and Bragg is still in office, inflicting serious harm daily on the city’s residents.
For those of you who voted Democrat last year, you deserve exactly what you voted for, but a truly innocent man might go to jail.
Peter Incardone
Long Beach, NJ
A grand jury, by its indictment of Penny, has officially declared what every law-abiding New Yorker already knew: New York City is beyond redemption.
When a 24-year-old former Marine can even be charged, let alone indicted, for risking his own life to protect the lives of others trapped in a subway car from a deranged assailant, then the rule of law and all rational thought have ceased to exist.
The use of a restraining hold shows there was obviously no intent on Penny’s part to kill the assailant and, just as obviously, he was acting in self-defense and in the defense of others.
This city not only embarrassed itself, it demonstrated its unworthiness of Penny’s service. His fate is now left to 12 jurors.
Jack Kaufman
Naples, Fla.
Leave it to New York City to obliterate the age-old custom of helping someone in distress.
Someone coming to the rescue of another human being is the ultimate goodwill gesture and often times a very dangerous situation.
I don’t know why this awful indictment surprises me given the way the city is handling (or not handling) crime.
I would only hope that such a brave and courageous person would help me if I were to find myself in a situation that I could not control. This young man deserves a medal, not jail time. I’ll pray for him and for justice for him.
Jean Cole
Juno Beach, Fla.
While the clueless mayor wrings his hands over crime in the subways and above ground on the streets, brave New Yorkers will continue to defend themselves.
What ever happened to the nightly sweeps? Perhaps the mayor should attend fewer dinners and photo-ops and enforce the safety of the tax-paying, voting public.
Spend more resources to help the most sick and vulnerable New Yorkers, spend less on luxury hotels for illegal immigrants and stop interfering with the police.
And stop listening to Rev. Al Sharpton and his minions. Be the mayor New Yorkers hoped you would be.
Lee Fleischman
Stamford, Conn.
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