We are currently tracking 465 companies in our Nanalyze Disruptive Tech Stock Catalog. Those companies represent not only 11 broad tech categories (and a twelfth dedicated to cannabis and other psychoactive consumables) but dozens of disparate products, applications, and markets. We’re MBAs, not geneticists, engineers, or software developers. Our beleaguered team of underpaid MBAs spend countless hours not just poring through SEC filings but researching everything from vertical farming to electric vertical takeoff and landing (eVTOL) aircraft, so we don’t sound completely stupid. That’s why we love to find legit research that we can leverage for our own analysis. We got particularly excited when we came across this “reality index” for eVTOL companies competing in the advanced air mobility (AAM) market from SMG Consulting, a firm that specializes in the aerospace industry.

AAM is just another way of saying urban air mobili