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Duke Energy (NYSE:DUK) filed its Integrated Resource Plan with the Public Service Commission of South Carolina on Tuesday, in which it envisions an “all of the above” approach to future energy generation.
Duke’s (DUK) plan includes three energy portfolios which provide a range of generation options reflecting its “all of the above” approach to providing power as the state’s population and energy consumption grows.
The company said it recommends the plan’s Portfolio 3, which includes plans to extend the lives of Duke’s (DUK) nuclear plants and envisions new hydrogen-capable natural gas resources, energy storage and small modular nuclear reactors complemented by fuel-free renewable energy.
Duke Energy (DUK) also will file a resource plan with North Carolina regulators in the coming days, in which the utility favors reaching a state-mandated target in 2035 to cut carbon dioxide emissions by 70% compared with 2005 levels, instead of 2030.