Delhi recorded 1,017 new Covid cases and four deaths in the last 24 hours, the health department said on Monday. The city’s positivity rate has soared to 32.25 per cent. The new positive cases were detected out of 3153 tests. On Sunday, the national capital reported 1,634 coronavirus cases with a positivity rate of 29.68 per cent and three fatalities. The Sunday’s fresh cases emerged out of 5,505 tests conducted the previous day.
On Saturday, Delhi recorded 1,396 cases with a positivity rate of 31.9 per cent — the highest in 15 months. The capital saw a positivity rate of 30.6 per cent on January 14 last year. The health department did not issue a bulletin on Friday. Delhi reported 1,527 cases with a positivity rate of 27.77 per cent on Thursday and two deaths.
Delhi’s daily tally of Covid cases crossed 1,000 for the first time in more than seven months on Wednesday. The city recorded 1,964 cases on August 18 last year. The number of Covid cases had dropped to zero on January 16 for the first time since the outbreak of the pandemic. However, the national capital has witnessed a spike in cases over the last few weeks.