(Thank You, President Biden)
Beijing, 08 March 2023
The Honorable Joseph R. Biden
President of the United States
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20500
Dear Mr. President:
The People’s Republic of China (PRC) expresses its deepest gratitude to your presidential administration…
By waging your war on fossil fuels, you are giving the PRC a new monopoly on green energy.
As reported by The Financial Times, China makes:
- 75% of the world’s batteries.
- 83% of offshore windmill blades.
- 96% of the wafers used in solar panels.
So when you set strict clean energy mandates, you committed to sending trillions of dollars across the Pacific … and into the bank accounts of the Communist Party of China.
You must have known it was all going to come from us.
China is home to almost half the world’s copper, two-thirds of all known lithium reserves, and nearly three-quarters of the world’s cobalt.
Thanks to your new policies, mining will have to soar to 20X today’s levels, just to meet the tidal wave of demand for electric vehicle batteries.
Where else would you get all this extra output … but from China.
As a result, we must assume that you know what you’re doing.
And we couldn’t be more grateful for the opportunity.
So once again, thank you in advance for handing over the keys to the global economy.
With Much Gratitude in this Year of the Rabbit,
Xi Jinping
The People’s Republic of China
The New Monopoly
The letter above is one that I pray is never, ever written.
But the facts are very much real.
And even if our leaders won’t say it out loud, there’s cause for alarm.
Just five years ago, under the previous administration, America finally became energy independent in 2018.
After decades of being at OPEC’s mercy, we had all the energy we needed.
We were the No. 1 source for oil in the entire free world.
But now, Washington is throwing it all away … with an all-in bet on clean energy.
Worst of all, Washington’s clean energy plans would make China the NEW OPEC — with a controlling monopoly on key green energy assets.
That’s why I’m urging my readers to prepare for a coming energy crisis that could make the 1970s look like a walk in the park.
I’ve compiled extensive research on the topic into a new video report that’s being released today.
Go here to watch it now…
Charles Mizrahi
Founder, Alpha Investor
P.S. For weeks, I’ve tried to prepare you for the new energy crisis we’re in. And I’ve loved hearing your thoughts…
I agree with Charles. We are going to need oil and gas for a long time yet.
— Ronald
Biden made a major blunder that has affected every consumer of energy in the U.S.
— Dan
Oil & gas will be around for a long time. Wind & solar are not reliable sources of energy and batteries can not fill the gap. And wind & solar are not good for the environment of the world … Very pleased you are getting the facts out.
— Jerry
Thank you for writing me at [email protected]! From what I can see, you are going to love what I put together next.
All my research has been leading up to this…
See the details — including how to get my stock recommendations for the energy crisis — here.
I saw an interesting stat pop up on my screen yesterday.
Last year, there were more than 9,600 freshly minted certified financial planners (CFPs), a jump of 5% in a single year.
Around the world, there are now more than 213,000, with close to 100,000 of them in the United States alone. Curiously enough given what Charles Mizrahi had to say today, the country with the second-highest number was China, with more than 30,000.
Now, I’m not here to praise the CFP designation, nor am I here to bash it. Overall, I think the curriculum is decent, and anyone going through the program is going to have a solid base of knowledge about financial planning.
I’m more fixated on the number.
If we are adding close to 10,000 CFPs per year, then that tells me people need help. And hey, I get it. This is a scary time to be planning a retirement. We have the first real spike in inflation in 40 years and a bear market in both stocks and bonds.
But remember, financial planners are human … and they are by no means infallible. Like the rest of us, they can and do screw up regularly. So you can’t just hand over the keys to your financial life and hope they get it right.
Here’s my take.
There are specific areas where a financial planner can be insanely useful. They can help you create a proper estate plan to shield your assets from the estate tax and make sure your kids or grandkids are taken care of. They can help you choose the right kind of health or life insurance and strategize on the ideal time to take Social Security. And if you need it, they can be something of a life coach that motivates you and helps you set achievable goals.
All that is great. But when it comes to managing your actual investment portfolio, be careful.
By all means, listen to what your planner has to say and take it under advisement. But also understand that the portfolio management they recommend is often going to be a cookie-cutter portfolio, approved by their broker-dealer, that they’ve given to 1,000 other families.
For decades, that go-to portfolio has been the traditional 60/40 mix of stocks and bonds. It is often a recipe for mediocrity. In times like these, with both stocks and bonds taking a hit, it’s a guaranteed money loser.
I’m never going to tell you to not get advice. Yes, get advice. Lots of it! Get as many different opinions as you reasonably can.
But be willing to push back and understand that, ultimately, you’re the one who calls the shots. It’s your money. And right now, with inflation stubbornly high and the Fed actively draining liquidity out of the system, the 60/40 portfolio may not be the best place for anyone’s money.
That, of course, is where we come in.
Banyan Hill is not a financial planner by any stretch. But really, we’re proud NOT to be, because it allows us to bring you wealth-building ideas you’d never find anywhere else … and more importantly, help you profitably beat the market.
Heck, this whole newsletter is designed to constantly bring you new ideas that do just that.
And today’s dispatch from Charles Mizrahi is the perfect example.
Charles has spent the last year doing a TON of research on the fallacy of Biden’s green energy push. He rightly points out that doing so will make us China’s biggest fan … and customer.
But he also found a solution, in three brand-new recommendations on companies that will quietly continue to benefit from Washington’s backwards agenda.
Go here now and get the full details of Charles’ research.
Charles Sizemore Chief Editor, The Banyan Edge