This weekend, over a million people joined Bans Off Our Bodies marches across the nation. And we should feel hope. Hope for a world where everyone has bodily autonomy. A world where everyone is respected, valued, and has fully protected civil and human rights. After countless attacks on abortion and reproductive rights, people came together to declare that abortion is healthcare and to demand that our elected officials take action before it’s too late.
Coast to coast, we declared “Bans off our bodies!” Watch and share this video from marches and news coverage across the nation.
These incredible rallies were powered by MoveOn members like you, alongside Planned Parenthood, UltraViolet, Women’s March, state and local reproductive justice leaders, and abortion providers in hundreds of communities around the country. In spite of endless attacks on our rights, we came together to show that we won’t give up in this fight—and that we can’t afford to until there are bans off our bodies, as well as affordable, quality, and comprehensive health care for all.
Online and in the streets, MoveOn members across the country came together passionately to support abortion access and demand that abortion be safe, legal, and accessible in all communities.
Together, in the last two weeks since the Supreme Court opinion leak, MoveOn members …
- Raised over $150,000 for abortion providers
- Gathered over 300,000 signatures for abortion-related petitions
- Joined over a million people at a total of 450 Bans Off Our Bodies events across the nation.
We urgently need to keep the pressure up—because as politicians continue to restrict our bodily autonomy and access to vital healthcare, we have to continue to come together and show that we won’t back down.
We’ll be taking to the streets again through the weeks ahead and when the final decision comes down from SCOTUS. Sign up here to make sure you’re among the first to know when and where to show up.
You can also keep the momentum going by taking these steps:
MoveOn will continue to fight for a country where everyone can thrive. We will push back against the right-wing-packed Supreme Court, and we’ll continue demanding those in power expand and protect our rights. Together, we can build a movement that can’t be ignored.