Wednesday, April 12, 2023 | 2 a.m.
Our judicial system is designed to give a defendant a fair trial. Former President Donald Trump has spent his life flouting the law as if rules do not apply to him.
He is presumed innocent until proven guilty in a trial with a jury of fellow citizens. He does not have to testify against himself and if he broke the law, it must be proven beyond a reasonable doubt.
Trump’s legal team may move for a change of venue to a county with a population base that it feels would be more favorable to Trump. No matter where the trial is held, there are probably people who have not followed the news. Juries are instructed to disregard what they have heard and judge the case only on the facts, evidence and the law.
There is much pontificating about this being a politically motivated prosecution. Michael Cohen went to prison in part for the payment to Stormy Daniels. If it was illegal for Cohen to make the payment, then it should be illegal to have directed the payment, which is what Trump is alleged to have done. This is about 2016, not 2024.